There was a moment in time I recall distinctly as a young adult, I had this light bulb moment about the number of plastic bags in use that blew my mind and changed my view on all materials and processes. While I was at University learning the history of textiles and fibers, the production , raised my awareness to the various and unsustainable processes and the devastating impact on the environment and community. Fashion, particularly fast fashion coupled with the resourcefulness that only Uni Students know, led me straight to waste and innovative materials, Particularly if they were tactile and unloved, always drawn to the underdog. I am blessed to recognize and appreciate the innate beauty and value of pre used materials. Some may call it hoarding, but I give love and value to my vast collection of discarded items. I have since collected stashed and used discarded materials for many years. It is good to have a bounty of materials on hand.
In 2009 Kerri opened a store/workshop focussed exclusively on the sustainable, handmade and recycled. Workshops for adults and for children offered an extensive array of classes, including: sewing, papermaking,basketery, scarecrows, felting, lanterns in Melville Perth.
20012 greenschoolshop was born in greenschool Bali. Kerri spent 5 years participating with her children at the greenest school on earth. Greenschoolshop saw Many collaboration projects with business, students artists and disadvantaged women producing many sustainable and upcycled homewares, costumes, accessories.
I continue “recyclesister” on etsy supplying unique handmade sustainable accessories and my handmade textile dolls.